In June 2019 ZEON signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), joining a network of more than 13.000 organizations dedicated to undertaking activities based on universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
ZEON is committed to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, making continuous efforts to realize a sustainable society based on international codes of conduct such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Global Compact principles.
To ensure that this policy will be implemented and deeply understood, ZEON provides an appropriate training to any employee and executive. This applies also to the collaboration with the Stakeholders: ZEON encourages customers and partners to support this policy, sharing respect for human rights in any business activity.
Furthermore, ZEON does not tolerate any act of discrimination or harassment, child labor, forced labor or/nor unjustly low wage labor.
ZEON strive to prevent any violation of human rights and actively respond to any unintentional negative impact of our business activities on human rights.
Any information and progress on ZEON human rights initiative will be disclosed through communication channels such as the corporate website and corporate reports.
We have established a Corporate Social Responsibility Code to ensure that Compliance matters are made well known throughout the company and meet society’s needs for safety and security.
We will contribute to sustainably develop society and protect the global environment through our corporate activities.
We will not tolerate any act that may lead to discrimination, respect the human rights of each individual, and will make efforts to maintain a sound working environment at all times.
We will not engage in child labour and forced labour.
We will not engage in any act that violates antitrust regulations or abuse of dominant bargaining position; we will engage in fair, free corporate competition.
We will not tolerate the offering or acceptance of bribing.
We recognize the importance of environmental protection at all times, comply with environmental laws and regulations, and make efforts to manufacture products with due consideration to the environment.
We will promptly report any act that violates or may possibly violate Zeon Europe’s code of conduct to the designated compliance officer.
More detailed information can be found on the Zeon Corporation website: https://www.zeon.co.jp/en/csr/concept/
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